RES Council Meeting
April 20th, 2016
In attendance Marlin Hogg, Elaine Ross, Jaime Jensen, Carmen
Lowry, Cheri Gilbert, Jen Smith, Rachael Miller, Natalie Ball, Loni Sala, Barb
Nickle, Nancy Rose, Connie Shurtz, Christal Bevans
The Fridge project Update -Rachael Miller
-We were
awarded the grant in the full amount of the fridge $4600 from the Community Foundations grant
-it will be
ordered shortly and stored until the new school year when it can be implemented
and introduced in September
- Snow's Pharmacy and Dr. Mike Smith from Raymond Dental have graciously taken on as community partners in this venture the donations of all food for the fridge in
the years to come
-We will
need volunteers for cutting and prep, and will be asking for donations
-66 took the
time to answer the survey on the parent teacher night it was a big success and
all thought it was a great idea
-Voted on since it will need council
support in running this year after year
It is a
council project and needs council support
Moved and
proposed 1st Rachael Miller 2nd Loni Sala unanimous vote all in favor
-Will start
in mid September get letters out for volunteers and info
Days - The Merc and Ag foods have agreed to donate all of the pineapples for our
tasting day next week April 29th
-Will get a
sheet for permission out will have fact sheet on pineapples and a trial run on
containers needs student runners approved and discussion and voted on using
council money for containers and such to run our tasting days
Voted 1st
Rachael Miller 2nd Cheri Gilbert All in favor
MR. Hogg
Deployment of Teachers Class sizes and teacher placement
comes up with budget for the new year - central office gives allotment of teachers
to all school in division – using a staffing formula
-we currently
have 32 full time staff
-Our school
has chosen to have smaller class sizes in div I – research has shown that there
is a better foundation for learning with smaller class sizes in a learning
environment k-3
Cap Size
roughly like this:
Div 1 -17
Div 2-23
Div 3- 23
Div 4- 29
numbers are divisional averages.)
Classes - Teachers get together as a team and discuss the best possible options
for next years placement of students {So ex. grade one decided grade 2
placement } all ends up on Mr. Hoggs
desk for final look over and some valid requests of student placement
know our children at school and where the best environment for them to flourish
will be who they work well with, who they shouldn't be with, and what will help
them to succeed the very best
-where the
placement of EA's will be make a difference too
day a stress reliever for not only children but staff, principle and parents
see the big Picture/ We only see our child
-8 EA's have been cut in the last 3
needs funding does not follow the child funded on what is needed
ex. constant
EA's -present 100% with a specific child
- close EA's
-there but can function separately
-Class EA's
-who help out one and all
Funding is down; we will see what happens - division is behind on
next years numbers and budget in the works and to come
Buddy Bench for playground
-will come -
future plans - has to go through school div maintenance dept
and have certified people order it and set it up to school specs - needs
to be worked out and through the proper channels
Picked a
date for Council AGM - changes needed for positions fridge person decided on no 2nd
volunteer coordinator needed and each if
stepping down to describe the duties of title and placement of new positions
coming up with a new name for the fridge position – ie. Nutrition coordinator?
– check with Jen for input
Need to
announce and advertise AGM and any bylaw changes to be voted on, 21 days prior
to the meeting
Decided on
JUNE 8th 7:00 pm for AGM meeting at which time voting of new members and
discussion of new year will be detailed
Goals –
planned on having a volunteer appreciation – join it with the AGM
Loni will
make a list of all the things volunteers have done in our school this year
Barb will
make the invitation/poster
Have food
there (take out of budget – need to vote next meeting)
Rachael gave
a little thank you