Our next RES Council meeting will be on Monday, May 11 at 10:00 am in the gathering area at the school. As usual all parents of RES students are invited to attend. I strongly encourage all who are able to come to be there. Here are the topics we will be discussing:
- How the new provincial budget affects our school specifically in relation to staffing and class sizes
- Long term goals and plans for the RES Council
- Ways that you can become more involved in the school (School Council and volunteering in your child’s classroom)
- Elections for the 2015-2016 School Council – what positions are available and what you need to do if you want to run for a position
Attending School Council meetings does not commit you to volunteer for anything, but it will help you to be more informed on what is going on in the school day to day, how decisions are made by the administration, what the long term goals and plans are for the school and what you can do as a parent, if you choose to, to be more involved and positively affect the culture of the school.
Again I invite and encourage parents to attend the meeting. Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 11 at 7:00 pm in the gathering area at the school. At this meeting elections will be held to fill available positions for the 2015-2016 School Council. More information regarding what positions are empty and how to tell us of your intent to run for a position will be sent out soon.
Jenn Smith
RES Council Chair