Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fall Book Fair Needs Volunteers

RES is looking for volunteers for the Fall Book Fair, October 27th & 28th. Please sign up using the link. Thank you!

Family Dance and Cake Auction

Thank you to everyone who helped to organize, run the dance, brought refreshments, brought a cake for the auction and gave of your time to come and dance! With your help we were able to fund raise $970.27 after expenses. We made slightly more on the cake auction than admission and due to the generous bidding on the cakes. An announcement will be made at a later date, by Parent Council, how the fundraising money will be allocated and spent.

Thirty cakes of varying sizes and delectable flavors were brought to dance to be auctioned in a silent auction. A cupcake cakes of a Minion, two fruit topped cakes, a pizza themed fondant decorated cake, and a fresh out of the oven, smelling oh so wonderful, apple pie were just a few of the amazing assortment of cakes that were donated. An amazing chocolate cheesecake auctioned for $52! Parent Council greatly appreciates the time and expense everyone donated for this school cause. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

RES Picture Day Volunteers needed

If you have time to spare on Thursday Sept 22 in the morning to assist the school and students on picture day please follow the link to sign up. A big thank you to helping out with activities such as this.


We're still in need of volunteers to help make the FAMILY DANCE this week a success. If you have even 30 minutes to spare and don't have the time to make refreshments or a cake to auction we'd love to have your help at the dance to ensure it runs smoothly. Please follow the link below to sign up. Thanks!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

September RES Council Meeting Minutes

RES Council Meetings are always open to parents to attend. Next meeting is Wed. Oct. 14 at 9 am in the Gathering Room next to the school library.

RES Council Meeting
Sept. 9, 2015
-        Welcome and Introductions
-        Looking at 740 students this school year.
In attendance:
Marlin Hogg
Elaine Ross
Jaime Jensen
Alana Sala
Loretta Cahoon
Natalie Ball
Lindsay Baldry
Jenn Smith
Nancy Rose
Cheri Gilbert
Jen Wegwitz
Christal Bevans
Rachael Miller
Carmen Lowry

-        Voting of new members
o   Assistant Volunteer Co-ordinator -- Nancy Rose
o   Preschool Rep-- Loretta Cahoon
o   Pizza Volunteer for div I (Wed)-- Karen Salmon
o   Pizza Volunteer for div II (Thurs)-- Lindsay Baldry
o   2 Member-at-large positions-- OPEN

-        Proposal for new member ( community member) – Loni --
-        Thoughts on having a community member or parent link liaison or a grandparent figure
-        discussed and  motioned seconded by Natalie ball   changes to by-laws in accordance with motion

-        Calendaring
o   For council members and Future meetings to BE 2nd wed of each month @ 9am
o   November meeting to be November 18th @ 9am
o   Jan/ May will have evening meetings
o   AGM in May vote and move new council changes
o   PARENT REP wording to replace Room Mom

-        Planning Goals for 2015/2016
-        TBD at next meeting

-        Family Dance progress – Natalie
o   Progress - outside dance fences put up to tie off area allowed
o   Needing a DJ and equipment available for outside
o   2 parents a class to make treats and bring cakes
o   possibly meet the teacher night the same night TBA
o   Meet the teacher would be from 5:30-6:20 /dance at 6:30-8:30
o   Any new items?
o   Discussed wish lists from each class to allocate funds from our fundraising to go towards, and towards A.R prizes grades 3-6
o   %age of money raised- WAS decided on 50/50 with overflow for use in next council fundraiser

-        Communication with parents
o   Facebook page (RES parent awareness)
o   LIKE ON FB make cards to pass out to bring more awareness to the page and going ons
§     How can we increase members? Excite people recruit people
§     Keeping it positive
§     Making it useful -problems that arise refer to chart to solve them (it exists in the front of the school agenda)

-        Mr. Hogg
o    Hot lunches/fundraising- this year the goal of fundraising for the school is to purchase 3 water bottle filling fountains and hurry the lines up at the fountains, 100 dollars from pizza sales goes to teachers in each classroom for supply funds
o   New training for the teachers- Next meeting discussion

-        Next council fundraising project  - Natalie
-        Silent Auction idea for gift baskets display at town Christmas - have 15 classes contribute to donate to baskets
-        Council to put them together to auction off
Meeting adjourned till OCTOBER 14th @ 9am

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Drop everything and read during International Literacy Day

"I will defend the importance of bedtime stories to my last gasp." JK Rowling

International Literacy Day is being celebrated across the world on Tuesday September 8 with this year's theme being "literacy and sustainable societies". The day was first observed in 1996. Students and participating parents were able to drop everything and read for 30 minutes together in classrooms.

"It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength." Maya Angelou

 Ashley Hill reading with her children.
Mr. Stone reading to some of his grade 1 students.

Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2017

Raymond Elementary School Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15 th 2018 8:45am In attendance: Marlin Hogg, Ela...