Saturday, September 12, 2015

September RES Council Meeting Minutes

RES Council Meetings are always open to parents to attend. Next meeting is Wed. Oct. 14 at 9 am in the Gathering Room next to the school library.

RES Council Meeting
Sept. 9, 2015
-        Welcome and Introductions
-        Looking at 740 students this school year.
In attendance:
Marlin Hogg
Elaine Ross
Jaime Jensen
Alana Sala
Loretta Cahoon
Natalie Ball
Lindsay Baldry
Jenn Smith
Nancy Rose
Cheri Gilbert
Jen Wegwitz
Christal Bevans
Rachael Miller
Carmen Lowry

-        Voting of new members
o   Assistant Volunteer Co-ordinator -- Nancy Rose
o   Preschool Rep-- Loretta Cahoon
o   Pizza Volunteer for div I (Wed)-- Karen Salmon
o   Pizza Volunteer for div II (Thurs)-- Lindsay Baldry
o   2 Member-at-large positions-- OPEN

-        Proposal for new member ( community member) – Loni --
-        Thoughts on having a community member or parent link liaison or a grandparent figure
-        discussed and  motioned seconded by Natalie ball   changes to by-laws in accordance with motion

-        Calendaring
o   For council members and Future meetings to BE 2nd wed of each month @ 9am
o   November meeting to be November 18th @ 9am
o   Jan/ May will have evening meetings
o   AGM in May vote and move new council changes
o   PARENT REP wording to replace Room Mom

-        Planning Goals for 2015/2016
-        TBD at next meeting

-        Family Dance progress – Natalie
o   Progress - outside dance fences put up to tie off area allowed
o   Needing a DJ and equipment available for outside
o   2 parents a class to make treats and bring cakes
o   possibly meet the teacher night the same night TBA
o   Meet the teacher would be from 5:30-6:20 /dance at 6:30-8:30
o   Any new items?
o   Discussed wish lists from each class to allocate funds from our fundraising to go towards, and towards A.R prizes grades 3-6
o   %age of money raised- WAS decided on 50/50 with overflow for use in next council fundraiser

-        Communication with parents
o   Facebook page (RES parent awareness)
o   LIKE ON FB make cards to pass out to bring more awareness to the page and going ons
§     How can we increase members? Excite people recruit people
§     Keeping it positive
§     Making it useful -problems that arise refer to chart to solve them (it exists in the front of the school agenda)

-        Mr. Hogg
o    Hot lunches/fundraising- this year the goal of fundraising for the school is to purchase 3 water bottle filling fountains and hurry the lines up at the fountains, 100 dollars from pizza sales goes to teachers in each classroom for supply funds
o   New training for the teachers- Next meeting discussion

-        Next council fundraising project  - Natalie
-        Silent Auction idea for gift baskets display at town Christmas - have 15 classes contribute to donate to baskets
-        Council to put them together to auction off
Meeting adjourned till OCTOBER 14th @ 9am

Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2017

Raymond Elementary School Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15 th 2018 8:45am In attendance: Marlin Hogg, Ela...