RES Council Meeting
October 14, 2015
will be starting promptly at 9:00
Attendance: Mr. Hogg Mrs Ross Ms. Jensen
Shurtz, Christal Bevans, Cheri Gilbert, Carmen Lowry, Natalie Ball, Alana Sala,
Jenn Smith, Rachael Miller, Nancy Rose
Vote on new bylaw (adding
community member)
to officially change bylaws for the other new positions as well
Discussion on the
addition of adding a community member to bring a different perspective to the
group on a community level of thinking
In Favor:
Natalie Ball
Alana Sala
Nancy Rose
Rachael Miller
Not in Favor:
Christal Bevans
Carmen Lowry
Cheri Gilbert
{Jaime Jensen}
Motioned Forward
Ways to Advertise
position of community volunteer
Newspaper ad
Town Website
Bulletin Boards
Need to be added in
-Volunteer Pizza
-Community Person
Update From Treasurer {Carmen}
Balance is 1578.06
Fundraiser made around 900
Donated to AR program
was in the amount of $400
Extra money left over
from previous fundraiser
Fundraiser progress – Natalie
for fundraiser coming soon to be silent auctioned off at town Christmas party
Next week letter /general email explaining what
will happen 2 classes per basket theme to be decided by Mr. Hogg what classes
will go together ... Suggested maybe book buddy classes together?
Nov 5 will be deadline for all stuff collected
to be in
Displayed in various places from Nov 9 roughly
to December 3rd December 4th they will be auctioned off hopefully where Santa
will be.
Need to collect boxes to take to the classes to
collect the goods the children bring in Connie Shurtz has some etc
Spa for
women, Bath for kids, Chocolate, Movie Night/ Family Fun, Bakers Delight, New
Year Party, Emergency Kit, New Baby Girl, New Baby Boy, Super Hero, Sweet &
Salty, Craft Basket, Christmas, Gardener, Family Reading, Sports,
Review of family dance
Things that went well
Notes for next year
Stated that it was nice to have teacher night
on the same night
Ran out of cups Suggested that maybe McDonalds
would donate cups for our school
Document and make a binder so fundraisers like
these are easy to plan and know numbers etc
Room Reps picked in first week of school to
help in the sign ups for cakes and refreshments
Fences won't guarantee kids stay in that area
Flood lights for outside? Dance will always be
inside as supervision will be there up to parents to watch their own children
should they be outside.
Hogg – new training for teachers -To be discussed at next meeting
Brief explanation on
nuts in the school
Allergy Tolerant School but no guarantee on
complete Nut Free advised not to bring any nut related projects but hard to
REFER to flow chart when fielding parents
and others who need answers
Newsletter to go to 2 pages easy read easy
links much better short and sweet
Media Friday coming up "drive slow
mom" news coming it's a big deal
Brief discussion and
choosing of goals, based on the goals already presented
School Council instead of parent council on FB
Submit a council calendar to all of us
Decided to meet at a separate time to
discuss goals in length
Measurable Goals Specific Measures for
concern – Loni
safety issue brought up by a bus driver
Bus Chaos discussed Buses having a hard time getting out to
the road with the congestion
only 1 adult on bus supervision it seems
actually 5 out there on the playground and crossing guards
DECIDED on making a plan with the operators and training
staff and bus operators
Communication - Cheri
Discussed being fully
clear on fees how they are broken down and common knowledge so people have the
choice on what they are actually paying for
Communication between school and community to many places
to look for things cut it down to a central on and clear links to find other
events and school related things
Adjourned till Monday November16th @ 9am