RES Council Meeting
FEB 10, 2016
In attendance
Marlin Hogg, Jaime Jensen, Elaine Ross, Nancy Rose, Natalie Ball, Alana Sala,
Rachael Miller, Connie Shurtz, Christal Bevans, Cheri Gilbert, Carmen Lowry,
Loretta Cahoon
Rachael Miller
-Big thank you
to parents for teacher treats and supervision that was provided for teachers
last month greatly appreciated by all teachers
-Decided to
delay community member addition and delegated to Natalie Ball to ask for next
years council
Marlin Hogg
discussion on current issue {division’s safe and caring schools policy in
response to government’s LGBTQ guidelines} Reading of document on its points
and entirety, fielded questions
-it is noted
that Mr Hogg is in favor of policy and its contents
-questions and
scenarios presented on abuse of the
policy and the rights of the parents and children
-what warrants
not speaking to the parents
that this is for ALL students’ safety
-noted that
this is a draft policy - still a draft
-bathroom signs
on staff bathrooms will be changed to sport a male/ female to be used by public
{visitors only policy} they are gender neutral {it means our teachers gave up
there staff bathrooms to accommodate this
bill and guidelines – hopefully by next week there will be 5 gender
neutral bathrooms in our school
-a request that
the Feb 22 school councils’ joint meeting be changed so that a public Westwind
meeting can be held on that date in Magrath
decided to have the division meeting on the 22nd and then decide if a school
council one is needed there after
-Grant Hunter
to hold a meeting Feb 12 @ 7pm Senior
Center here in Raymond to address issues of bills trying to pass that greatly
affect all of us
Elaine Ross
-One Book, One
School assembly Feb 29th @ 9 am to unveil this year's book and theme
-need 16 dozen
chocolate cupcakes Mar 2/3 they will be
.50 cents each
-money from
proceeds will be donated to the Kainai Shelter and food bank - a great cause
Zakk Morrison
AHS Health
Promotion Coordinator
on “Healthy Snack Fridge” project
needed to discuss the possibility of doing this at our school, what it is and
how we go about it if we so choose
-Jen Wegwitz
wrote up a proposal in favor of moving on with this venture and feels our
school would greatly benefit from it
- Mr. Hogg wholeheartedly
supports this venture and feels it would be a great thing for our school in
helping our children
students / better students
-big/little – it’s
for everyone
-cost for
fridge is $4500 to get started
-Does it get
abused? -it is self regulated but needs a teacher to be on the committee to
oversee - Jay Bright is the Wellness Coordinator for the school
- needs
fundraising and volunteers for food prep
-carrot sticks,
apple sauce, muffins, bags of apples, etc. to run - needs parent donations and
many volunteers
- Grants
available to support this project
-would see a
decrease for lunch requests from the office with the fridge
-decided this
is a year or two strategy to work towards but decided to hand it over to Jen to
head a committee if the time permits for them
decision that a committee separate from school council would be best at this
time, although committee head would be a member of school council
-Discussed Friday
Tasting days from peppers to pears and trying new things and seeing how that
goes for awhile next year if we so choose to go that route - voted on pursuing
that idea - all in favor
-maybe set up a
survey with help from Ms. Bright
Rachael Miller
parent surveys sent in the mail and send in if you have questions or comments
send to Mr. Hogg who will forward them to division office
- discussion on
allocation of funds for next month - what % to what places - voted on and all
in favor
- to grade 1's and 2's reading program this
Loni Sala
-presented “in-school
field trip” idea put on by the U of L for different grades so they come to the
-$120 fee and
$3/kid - amazing programs but pricey for our school
fundraiser council fees to subsidise the cost
-teachers get 2
field trips a year, one education and one fun - so that adds in to the
suggestion too
Cheri Gilbert
-$300 towards 5
grade 1's and the grade 2 classes reading program prizes
Cheri 1st
Rachael 2nd
and Christal/
Alana /Natalie/ Nancy/ Loretta -Forwarded in favor
Voted on approving
current council goals being set as our 3 yr plan, and the goals to focus on
this year will be revisited in the future
Rachael 1st
Alana 2nd
Christal /Cheri/
Alana/ Natalie/ Nancy/ Loretta
Voted to
revisit in September on evening meetings as teacher hours have been upped
significantly might not be fair to ask for all the extra time on our behalf
Rachael 1st
Alana 2nd
Cheri/Natalie/Nancy/ Loretta
Till March 9th,
9 am