We would like to remind all parents of RES students of the upcoming school council meeting on Wednesday, June 15th, at 7:00 pm at the RES, in the board room (room 18). This will be our AGM (Annual General Meeting) and the elections for members of the council executive, as well as our Volunteer Appreciation. At this meeting we will propose and vote on changes to the RES council by-laws, and elect the Executive members for the 2016-2017 school year. This is a great opportunity to get involved in the school; come see what the school council does and how you can be involved. Any parents of RES students present at the meeting may volunteer or be nominated for executive positions. Parents can put their name forward beforehand to be voted on for a position and do not need to be present at the meeting, but parents must be present at the meeting to vote on by-law changes and executive positions. If you are not interested at this time in being a member of the council executive, you can still come have a say in the council by voting. All parents of RES students are members of the RES council, and each member of the school council is able to vote! We also want to take the opportunity to recognize our many wonderful volunteers. We appreciate every volunteer at our school! There will be refreshments and a slideshow.
The positions we will be voting on, as well as a brief explanation of each position, and the bylaw amendments we will be voting on, can be found on our RES council blog (located on the RES website) and on our FB page, RES Parent Awareness
Come out and learn how you can get involved in our school and let us show our appreciation for our volunteers!!