Thursday, October 20, 2016

Council Meeting October Minutes

RES Student Council Meeting
October 12, 2016

Attendance: Loni Sala, Jen Smith, Carmen Lowry, Mr.Hogg, Elaine Ross, Jamie Jensen,
Lindsey Baldry, Tasha Reeve, Connie Shurtz, Cheri Gilbert, Lyndsi Coppieters, Jessica Salmon, Rachel Miller.

Rachael: Thank you to all who have helped volunteer & fill spots when needed. We really appreciate the help with different activities.

Voting of Members;
·         Communications Director- Connie Shurtz
All in Favor- Majority Vote

·         Member at large- Christal Bevans
All in Favor- Majority Vote

Connie: Divisional School Council Meeting
·        Round table reports with other schools
·        Activities done at different schools & RES ; Back to school night, meet the teacher night , Christmas program & selling $1 raffle tickets, science fair, 1st day of school breakfast
·        There is a strong focus on the First Nations ; SLA’s Gr. 3
·        Divisional Goals ; Literacy Blankets where given to all Gr. 1 students as well as a book.
The Division as a whole wants to have every student reading at their grade level & promote reading.
·         Communications to parents is very important.
·         Parent Council is there to provide administration & staff with support. We can offer suggestions & we are here to plan/follow through with activities
·         There is a Meeting Monday October 17, 2016 @ 7pm at the Public Library  on the
West Side of Lethbridge

Lindsey: Family School Dance Overview

·        Next year we would like a council member taking pictures
·        Volunteering & cake donations were wonderful! Thank you!
·        Everyone will need to have a specific job next time so all spots are covered
·        Entrance $612.00 ; Auction $1759.50 – Total Amount $2371.50
Expense $175; Money left for movement equipment is $2,196.50.
·         We will be buying bigger pieces for now & doing a classroom rotation of who uses them
·         $1,000 was committed to the S.O.S program from last year
·         Winners by division, DV 1 -Bohner      DV 2 -Fairbanks
·         Santa’s Gone Loonie- will help Magrath but we aren’t taking a big role in that this year
·         This year our school will be doing the Christmas Shoe Boxes & assignments will be handed out by class.

Loni: Alberta School Council Meeting
·        Alberta School Councils video
·        Provincial achievement test results
·        Focus on the lower division literacy effort
·         Communications – email, newsletters, etc. for parents
·         School Council newsletters
·         How do we feel RES is doing in communications? Improvements?
·         Do we have an effective school council?
·         We want to enhance student educations for all students
·         Purpose of Student Council is to be involved

Mr.Hogg & Elaine Ross: Literacy Project
·         Each Gr.1 student was given a blanket & book at an opening assembly
·         We are promoting an early love for reading & the blankets are meant to be with them when they doing their reading
·         We are doing continued education classes for our teachers to assist them in new learn techniques in teaching literacy
·         Robyn Bright has been a special teacher guest in running a class to promote new styles of teaching. She is coming for two hours every five weeks & each teacher has a book written by her to study out of.
·         We are looking at the idea in the future of having a link for parents to get some of the same training our teacher is receiving.
·         The new bookshelf by the front door of the school is the give a book/take a book
Each child in the school is allowed to take a book & return it with a new one or the same one they borrowed. We are wanting them to read as many new books as they can.
·         Student Council would love to have a teacher come & present for us some of the things that are being learned in the extra literacy classes.
·         We are encouraging family reading
·         We have some reading intervention programs that we are starting to enhance reading experiences
·          There is a new bulletin board by the office & it is a “get caught reading”.  Parents can send in pictures of their children reading a book wherever
·         Grade teams are meeting every 5 weeks to discuss students, concerns & reading levels of each child in the school
·         Would there be people on the council or community who would like to head up the reading blankets? It would be 100+ blankets to give to the next coming years of Gr.1 students

·         Monday farm safety will start
·         October 18 & 19th- book fair in the library
·         October 25th -morning only picture retakes
·         October 31st -Halloween & the parade @1:00
·         November 3rd- Gr. 6 Play
·         November 10th – Remembrance Day program @ 10am

Jen W. & Rachael: Healthy Snack Fridge
·        There is a letter being sent out to tell the purpose & rules of conduct with the fridge
·        We now have cutting lists & people from the committee will be calling to have people help them.
·        We would still LOVE to have people volunteer cutting & bagging items for the fridge
·        Petty Cash System?

Next Parent Council Meeting is Wednesday November 9, 2016 @ 9:00am

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