Thursday, November 23, 2017

Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2017

Raymond Elementary School Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2018 8:45am
In attendance:
Marlin Hogg, Elaine Ross, Kerry Taylor, Jamie Jensen, Jacquie Fleming, Rachel Miller, Bailey Bennett, Cheri Gilbert, Connie Shurtz, Carmen Lowry, Kimberley Shakespeare, Alana Sala, Natalie Ball, Clarissa Foss, Karen Salmon, Todd Nelson, Rod Wendorff & Diane Nelson.
Bike rodeo – Todd Nelson
  • April 11th & 12th, town has donated $1000 to run the rodeo in conjunction with Stirling.
  • 8 volunteers will be required of which 5 need to come from Raymond Elementary School. 8:30am-3pm (at the latest) with noon-1pm lunch break (food provided). Responsibilities to include handing out bikes etc. Can be split into shifts.
  • Students will be prepared a couple of weeks in advance with information on helmet safety. NO BIKES ARE NEEDED. If helmets are brought, they will be inspected and destroyed if not up to standard (replacement will be provided free of charge).
    Rod Wendorff

Council Meeting Wednesday October 11

RES Council Meeting
Wednesday October 11
8:45 AM

In Attendance: Jacquie Fleming, Bailey Bennett, Connie Shurtz, Clarissa Foss, Tasha Reeve, Marlin Hogg, Jamie Jensen, Elaine Ross, Kerry Taylor, Alana Sala, Rachael Miller, Karen Salmon

Volunteering- Jacquie Fleming
  • Thank you to all the Picture Day volunteers and thank you in advance to all the Book Fair volunteers.
  • Discussion about ending the RES Parent Awareness Group and only have the Raymond Elementary School Facebook page. School council agreed that the best way to find volunteers is through the RES Parent Awareness Group, so we will keep it running for that purpose.
  • We will keep encouraging parents to “like” the Raymond Elementary School Facebook page. 
  • Thank you to the school for updating the Facebook page so often. 

Council Meeting Wednesday, September 13th 2017

Raymond Elementary School Council Meeting Wednesday, September 13th 2017 9:00am

In attendance:
Jacquie Fleming, Bailey Bennett, Connie Shurtz, Christal Bevans, Clarissa Foss, Graham Ruttan, Chansy Homan, Meagan Jones, Jamie Jensen, Cheri Gilbert, Marlin Hogg, Elaine Ross, Rachel Miller, Alana Sala, Kimberley Shakespeare, Jennifer Bennett, Cara Hartley, Natalie Ball, Tasha Reeve, J’Ana Smith
Communication - Graham Ruttan
  • Westwind Division has implemented a best practice model on communication within social media. An increase in social media presence needed - especially on Facebook. Across the division the majority of people are on Facebook and check it at least weekly.
  • This fall new school website was released using Square Space platform which connects directly with Facebook and Twitter. RES is doing extremely well in utilizing this tool and is gaining more followers.

Friday, June 16, 2017

AGM 2017 minutes

RES AGM Council Meeting
Thursday June 8th 2017 7:30pm

In Attendance:
Marlin Hogg  Elaine Ross Kari Taylor  Rachael Miller  Carmen Lowry Tonya Gibb Lindsay Baldry
Jacquie Fleming Jamie Jensen Karen Salmon Jenine VareRhonda Steed Megan First Charger Jen Bennett Chancy Homan Kim Shakespeare Amelia Quinton Connie Shurtz  Clarissa Foss Bailey Bennett Allison Bohne Cathy Runquist Tyler Runquist Cort Rozell Karli Rozell Cheri Gilbert Trevor Gilbert Tasha Reeves Loni Sala Natalie Ball Kristi Wannop Jessica Salmon Jessica Tatlow Jill Williams Christal Bevans

Welcome and Report Rachael Miller 

-Vote in favor of Ballots then show of hands 
- All in favor of Ballots 

-Big Thank YOU to all who volunteered over the year and for a council so willing to serve and step up
-Great job on staff treats and appreciation
-Some accomplishments in working on signage for the school and helping with the big events of the year
continually committed to improving our communication with parents and teachers throughout the year learning and growing together

Financial Report - see attachment


Speeches given by both contenders for President
Ballots written counted and announced


Jacquie Fleming - Chair
Cheri Gilbert - Co-Chair
Rachael Miller - Past Chair
Kimberly Shakespeare - Secretary
J'Ana Smith - Treasurer
Natalie Ball & Tasha Reeve - Volunteer Coordinators 
Clarissa Foss - Fundraising Coordinator 
Bailey Bennett - Preschool Rep
Carmen Lowry & Connie Shurtz - Communications Directors 
Members-at-large - Christal Bevans, Jen Bennett, and ChansyHoman

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

AGM Agenda

RES Council Meeting – AGM and Elections
June 8th, 2017 at 7:30 pm in room 1

Welcome and report of past year – Rachael

Financial report – J’Ana

Healthy Snack Fridge - Karen

Principal’s report – Marlin
SNP – School Nutrition Program  

Volunteer thank you – Natalie Ball

Bylaw amendments - voting

Chair – Cheri Gilbert
                   - Jacquie Fleming
                   - any others
Co-chair – Christal Bevans
                         any others
Secretary - Kimberly Shakespeare
                - any others
Fundraising coordinator - 
Communications director #2 - 
Preschool rep - 

Business for new executive
Family Dance for 2017-2018 school year

TREATS to show our appreciation!!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Bylaw Additions and AGM notice A minimum of four (4) members occupying the positions of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Director; (Removal of portion) Other positions of the executive can include Co-chairperson, Past Chairperson, Communications Assistant, Preschool Representative, Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer Assistant, Fundraising Coordinator, and Members-at-Large. There will be a maximum of three (3) positions for Members at Large After consultation with the rest of the school council, only those on the Council Executive will have a vote.

7.6.1 Members at large will only be voted on after all other Executive positions have been filled.

This is to notify all RES parents that the RES Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held on Thursday, June 8th, 2017 at 7:30 pm in the board room, room 1.  At this meeting we will propose and vote on changes to the RES council by-laws, and elect the Executive members for the 2016-2017 school year.  Any parents of RES students present at the meeting may volunteer or be nominated for executive positions.  Parents can put their name forward beforehand to be voted on for a position and do not need to be present at the meeting, but parents must be present at the meeting to vote on by-law changes and executive positions.
The following is a list of the RES Council Executive positions that need to be filled for the 2017-201school year and a brief description of their duties:
Chair – Chairs all meetings of the council and coordinates with the principal to establish
meeting agendas
Communicates with the principal on a regular basis
Calls regular school council meetings
Ensures that minutes are recorded and maintained
Has general supervision of all activities of the school council
Is the official spokesperson of the school council
Ensures there is regular communication with the school community, outside of the regular meetings
Stays informed about school board policy that impacts school council
Has signing authority on the financial accountss, together with the co-chair and/or treasurer
Prepares an annual report

Co-chair – Attends monthly pre-council meetings with the council chair and school 
Chairs council meetings when chair is unable to
Fills in at various functions when chair is unable to
Writes council event reports
Attends monthly council meetings
Secretary – Attends each monthly school council meeting and takes detailed minutes
Types up the minutes and sends them to the council chair in a reasonable amount of time
Participates in school council responsibilities
Encourages school council members to get their criminal record check and family welfare check, and keeps track of who has it, for volunteering purposes

Fundraiser Coordinator – Attends monthly council meetings and participates 
in discussions regarding fundraising needs and opportunities
Coordinates all fundraising events, reporting on the details of upcoming events and progress of current events at the monthly meetings, involving school council members in major decisions and issues
Heads up a committee to plan and run the event when needed
Participates in school council responsibilities

Pre-school rep – This position is open to any parent who has a child in the RES 
preschool program.
Represents the preschool at the school council meetings

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Council meeting minutes May 2017

RES Council Meeting
Wed May 10th 2017 at 9am

In attendance:
Connie ShurtzChristal Bevans, Natalie Ball, Alana Sala, Marlin Hogg, Jamie Jensen, Elaine Ross, Racheal Miller, Jen Bennett, Melanie Smith, J'Ana Smith, Gail Currie, Cherie Gilbert

Council Chair Report- Rachael Miller

-By law discussion 21 days before AGM posted to public meeting  which will be June 8th at 7:30pm spread the word on proposed changes 
-the main addition affect the members at large
-discussion on whether public has vote if they just come to meetings
-we consider parent voices always
-AGM all can vote who are elected was Vote to approve changes 
{{opposed to those not having a vote}} 
decision ALL IN FAVOR Natalie Alana Rachael Connie Cheri Jenifer and J'Ana Smith of only elected members allowed to vote

-Available positions let her know before Friday
-preschool rep is up as is chair and co-chair
-members at large also
-will post positions and descriptions of elected positions available

-BIG THANK YOU to all who helped with teacher appreciation

-Motion to use school council funds at AGM for refreshments  ALL in FAVOR
J'Ana ,Connie, Rachael, Alana, Cheri, Natalie, Christal}

Principles Report- Marlin Hogg

Lunch Supervison
-refer parents to flow chart {{see parent concerns flow chart}}
-going to FB only angers people and causes more problems if you have a problem come to the school no FB 
-complaining does not help relations between parents and teachers
-Councils are about the students educate others 
-only 4 parents came in to discuss with the principle 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Council Meeting Minutes April

RES Council Meeting Tuesday April 4th, 2017
In attendance:
Marlin Hogg Rachael Miller Elaine Ross Jaime Jensen Connie Shurtz Christal Bevans
Natalie Ball Alana Sala Karli Rozell Sara Baril

Principal’s Report -Mr. Hogg:
School Council Training
-Instructions on legal nature - Official spokesman is always Mr Sommerfeldt  and only him not principals
-You have a right to your own opinions off school grounds
and in school with certain conditions but here we are governed by bylaws and have those to maintain

Four points to govern by:

Council Meeting Agenda April 4

RES Council Meeting
Tues., April 4th, 2017 at 9:00 am
  • Principal’s report – Marlin

  • Council business – Rachael

  • Reviewing bylaws – Rachael and Loni

  • ASCA update - Loni

Meeting adjourned til Wed., May 10th at 9:00 am.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Parent Council Meeting March 15, 2017

RES Parent Council 
March 15, 2017 

Attendance: Mr.Hogg, Jamie Jensen, Mrs.Elaine Ross, Christal Bevans, Natalie Ball, Rachael Miller, Jen Bennett, Loni Sala, Tasha Reeve, Jessica Salmon, Cheri Gilbert, Connie Shurtz

*Policy Statement – new policy the division is working on
-guidelines, communications (email,text), elementary issues, & high school - different issues
-clubs are different not under this same policy
-division will communicate, engage, partner with parents
-professional judgement when notices should be sent home to parents 
-child safety - there will be no notice
-parents have the right to talk to the school about values & specific family beliefs
-parents can come to the school & ask about things being taught 
-certain age children are allowed to choose things for themselves 
-parents can't choose an educator based on religions etc. 

*New Bill 1
-school fees $25, $35, $45 forwarded to the central offices 
-we are not sure how much fees will be this next year
-we do know that fees for kindergarten & preschool will remain the same, they don't fall under the new bill
-busing is no charge if you live in the certain points of km

Mrs.Elaine Ross-
* One School One Book
- we are at 71% of our money goal

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Financial Summary Feb 2017

Raymond Elementary Parent Council


Account Balance

Sept 16 Starting Balance


Fall Dance (Income)


Expenses (Total, see below))
Total (Current Balance)


Fall Dance Prizes, cups, class parties

To School

Volunteer Tea (June 2016)

School Fees Door Prize

Exercise Equipment

Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2017

Raymond Elementary School Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15 th 2018 8:45am In attendance: Marlin Hogg, Ela...