Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Council Meeting Minutes April

RES Council Meeting Tuesday April 4th, 2017
In attendance:
Marlin Hogg Rachael Miller Elaine Ross Jaime Jensen Connie Shurtz Christal Bevans
Natalie Ball Alana Sala Karli Rozell Sara Baril

Principal’s Report -Mr. Hogg:
School Council Training
-Instructions on legal nature - Official spokesman is always Mr Sommerfeldt  and only him not principals
-You have a right to your own opinions off school grounds
and in school with certain conditions but here we are governed by bylaws and have those to maintain

Four points to govern by:
1. The safety of children is always first and foremost in the minds of the school.  All students are safe and well cared for.
2.   We trust in the laws of the land and the processes that uphold our rights.
3. We do not speculate, and therefore should not discuss, what might happen.
4.  There are real people at both ends of this issue.  We will respect their rights and privacy.
Opt. Social media is a reality and is seen by a lot of people.  If you have questions, refer to points 1 - 4.

* School Council gives up right to personal opinion

Council Business -Rachael
-Thank you to staff for all the work that went into one school one book from the assembly to the family night and author visits to cupcakes THANK YOU!
- We collected over $2000 to donate to the Ronald McDonald House and Shaw matched first $1000
great work and effort

- 10 pieces of Self regulated Gym Equipment donated to classrooms - looking for donations now  for the older grades 4-6 old stationary bikes  etc

Calendaring Dates Coming Up:
Marathon – June 16th
Carnival – June 22nd
Div II Track meet – May 18th
Div I Sports Day – June 2nd (alternate: June 9th)
Divisional track meet (div II) – June 1st (held at the town field)

-Will need volunteers for Carnival this year making it bigger and better and will need lots of help this year

- Lynette Martin is our community liaison - very  willing but as a council we need to know what is expected and what we want them to do  
-prizes, donation collecting, a voice in the community and advertising were some of the duties discussed

ASCA Updates- Loni Sala
-Met with Alberta Ed about school feels and what it will look like and discussion on what would we like to see our school fees go too what are parents expectations?  What do we pay for to get a great quality education for our children?
As of now in our school our fees go to:
-Basic Fee
-Busing field trips
-Renewable Material paper fees
-1.50 to school insurance fee which needs to stay there we need it
-yearbook {which is optional}
- Agendas {how useful are they do we want them?

Agendas discussion:
-When used they are a good check and balance between school and home
-writing skills and goal setting are practiced
-accountability on students and teachers to use them

Field Trips
-limited to educational and one fun one per a year
-Bus fees {worth it}
-lunch fees were discussed & our school should be commended for not having lunch fees

What Should School fees go to what do we feel is important

More aides?
band? music? art? p.e

Not an elimination of fees just a reduction starting in the 2017-2018 school year

Reviewing of bylaws  - Rachael and Loni

-Executive needs to be filled before members at large
- need to be 3 members at large

-Discussion on what about parents that come – should all parents get a vote?

- Every position is important a lot of work for one or two people and needs to be divided between all council members we are working like a well oiled machine

-Need to be present to vote to take into consideration the matters at hand

By laws are on the blog  - AGM is when we change them - if added to by laws they need to be put forth 21 days prior to AGM

ASCA conference at the end of April resolution being brought up will post link before conference to be informed
-one vote per school so we need our voices loud and clear

Sara Baril spoke on having our voice and doing our part to be informed on ASCA toolkit with ATA for LGBTQ

Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2017

Raymond Elementary School Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15 th 2018 8:45am In attendance: Marlin Hogg, Ela...