RES Parent Council Meeting
January 18, 2017
Attendance: Elaine Ross, Marlin Hogg, Jamie Jensen, Natalie Ball, Jennifer Bennett, Cheri Gilbert, Lindsey Baldry, Connie Shurtz, J’Ana Smith, Christal Bevans, Jen Smith, Jessica Salmon , Loni Sala, Rachael Miller, Dave Reeve
Mr. Hogg- Principal Training
- IMR- Building fund money will be going to a LED panel that will be outside our school. It will be a source of communication & if we ever go into a lockdown it will provide information for parents.
- Lockdown Kits
- $7,000 will go to a pilot technology frame work system for monitors, apple tv’s and smart boards. This will be for the class rooms & to stay up on technology in the classroom. There is training that goes into these things so they are utilized properly.
- $4,000 for our paper budget, we send 1.5 million papers through our copy machines in a year.
- We would like to retire the blue waiting chairs that are outside the office for some updated ones.
- $500 maintenance
- Principals budget $10,000 in PD strategies training
- The ATA- gives the school division/ each dept. get a $ amount per teacher to use in education
- $30,000 literacy - $1,000 was given to each teacher to build up their classroom library
- Money for literacy project. We have 3 trained EA’s to help students reading be at their current grade level. Each student will have a 6 week one on one with an EA to go over reading techniques and strategies to help them.
- 91% of the student body is at reading level
- $2,000 is money given to each grade. All of the teachers have to agree on how the funds are spent & the best use for their grade.
- $1,000 Fine Arts- Music & Instruments
- $3,000 P.E.- Equipment & Resources
- $3,000 Special E.D.- Money goes to movement equipment
- Preschool - $ that goes into this program is what parents pay monthly to have it up & running
- $4,000 Student Events - $3,000 of that $ will go to the carnival. We have a carnival committee & we want to make this big in our school again.
Education Plan:
- There is a survey that goes out to parents who have children in 4th, 7th and 10th grades
- It is an annual education plan survey that comes from the government. It is essential a report card of the school from the government based on returned survey’s from parents.
- We have scored good in the following areas
- Safe & caring school
- Student learning opportunities
- Student leaning achievement (we are in the top 3-5% in the province)
- Citizenship-how well are our students part of a society
- We have some improvement areas
- Communication with parents
- We are communicating with parents through emails, newsletters and the website
- We would love if parents with children in these grades would do the survey to help us. Last year we only had 7 people complete and turn it in
- The education plan can be accessed on-line
Jamie Jensen-
Winter Olympics :
- We will be holding a Winter Olympics this year and we are really excited about it.
- The students will be divided up in divisions.
- Division 1 with a student from grades 1,2,3 on a team
- Division 2 with a student from grades 4,5,6, on a team
- There will be 7 events
- Bob sled, human curling, break station (hot chocolate & cookies), obstacle course, biathlon, hockey/floor hockey, skiing
- This event will take place February 10th. We would love to have volunteer! We would love help with the events as well as the break station running it & the treats.
Elaine Ross-
Dare to Care:
- The Dare to Care program is brought to the students & parents by the Administration as well as the Parent Council. Rhonda Steed will be doing the advertisements for us to get the word out so we have wonderful attendance.
- This program is to help us understand the difference between bullying and conflict
- How we as adults can help & assist the children in our lives
- This program will be taught by a presenter she will be at our school February 8 & 9th
On these two days she will hold assembly’s for the students at the school & hold a nightly meeting for parents or anyone who would like to attend.
- The nightly meeting will be held Wednesday February 8th @7-9 pm in the gym here at RES.
- Parent Council voted to give $100 to Dare to Care program. This money will be in the form of a door prize for school fees to be paid.
Equipment: Movement
- Money Raised from the dance will go to movement equipment. The equipment has been decided upon & the council will pay for it.
One School One Book
- The book has been decided upon this year & the author is native to Canada.
- With the book this year somethings we have for activities include:
- Movie Night
- Toy Drive for the Ronald McDonald house
- Children’s Cancer Foundation Donation- We will be donating $ in the name of one of our staff members child.
- The author will be coming to our school to visit
- Cupcake day- if parent council can oversee the sales of the cupcakes & help organize them. If room moms could contact parents in their classes to help have donations come in.
- The opening assembly will be March 3rd & will run for four weeks
- We could have a lunch hour reading to give an opportunity for children to read their book if they don’t have a chance to read it at home.
Parking:We met in December to discuss the issue of parking & new signs
- We went to a meeting where in attendance was Ron Fromm, Stephen Heggie & Mr.Hogg
- The school will be paying for & having the signs printed
- The signs will be in front of the bus zone and along that side of the street
- Angle parking, 10 min zone just for drop off
- Bus Loading Zone pull through –no angle parking, student drop off-no parking
- We have been talking with the town about sign proposals- nothing is decided on quite yet. We are trying to get the signs right & the wording how we would like them to read.
- We will ask the peace officers for help in educating parents or drivers once the new signs are placed at the school
2017-2018 School Calendar
- Divisional council meeting
- How does the calendar positively impact student leaning
- What do we like or not like?
- We don’t like PD days on Monday’s the majority would like them to be on Friday
- Some people don’t like how the Christmas break schedule was & some enjoyed it
- It is nice how it was this year because we had 3 weekends & 2 full weeks. That making it a nice break for our teachers.
- Why do teachers have to stay all day on Friday? Could they just stay for the morning?
- PD days are for improvement training days to help teachers
- PLC days are for improvements to help students achieve. We have had them for about 15 years.
- Divisional Council Meeting will be held Thursday 26th @ 10-12 pm.
Healthy Snack Fridge
- The older grades go first so they get first pick so we are going to divide the fridge in 2 sides
- DIV 1 & DIV 2
- Stats to date we have used 17 cases of apples & over 10 thousand snacks
- Parent Council will continue to run the fridge
ATA- Teachers tool kit reference document for teachers LGBTQ:
- This is a resource guide for teachers to have to address issues or questions that may come up in a classroom setting regarding the LGBTQ community
- AGM is the end of April & the division will pay for two people to attend
- Membership votes- Resolution
- The policy is too late this year for a resolution but we could be thinking of something we would like to write for next year.
- What do we think of this tool kit?
- We can contact Antonia in Lethbridge to see if they have a resolution & maybe we can piggy back it
- What do we want the resolution to be?
- We spent a lot of time going over the curriculum redesign this year so next year the focus will be this tool kit
- 1 vote per school so it is 1 vote per council
Adjourn Meeting – Rachael
Next Meeting February 15th @ 9:00 am in the conference room