This is to notify all parents of RES students of the RES Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held on Thursday, June 15th, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the board room, room 18 (next to the kitchen). At this meeting we will propose and vote on changes to the RES council by-laws, and elect the Executive members for the 2016-2017 school year. Any parents of RES students present at the meeting may volunteer or be nominated for executive positions. Parents can put their name forward beforehand to be voted on for a position and do not need to be present at the meeting, but parents must be present at the meeting to vote on by-law changes and executive positions.
The following is a list of the RES Council Executive positions that need to be filled for the 2016-2017 school year and a brief description of their duties:
Co-chair – Attends monthly pre-council meetings with the council chair and school
- Chairs council meetings when chair is unable to
- Fills in at various functions when chair is unable to
- Writes council event reports
- Attends monthly council meetings
Secretary – Attends each monthly school council meeting and takes detailed minutes
- Types up the minutes and sends them to the council chair in a reasonable amount of time
- Participates in school council responsibilities
- Encourages school council members to get their criminal record check and family welfare check, and keeps track of who has it, for volunteering purposes
Treasurer – Gets one of 2 signing positions on the school council bank account
- Keeps track of all bank transactions on the school council account and makes periodic financial reports for the council
- Attends the monthly meetings and reports to the council on the current account balance
- Participates in school council responsibilities
Communications Director #2 – Keeps the school council blog up-to-date
- Works with the school secretary in relaying messages from the school council which are needed in the newsletters or emails
- Attends monthly council meetings
- Participate in school council responsibilities
Fundraiser Coordinator – Attends monthly council meetings and participates
in discussions regarding fundraising needs and opportunities
- Coordinates all fundraising events, reporting on the details of upcoming events and progress of current events at the monthly meetings, involving school council members in major decisions and issues
- Heads up a committee to plan and run the event when needed
- Participates in school council responsibilities
Volunteer coordinator – Arranges for volunteers for school events such as the book
fair, one school, one book functions, etc, and school council sponsored events
- Communicates with room reps to help arrange and remind volunteers
- Attends monthly school council meetings
- Participates in school council responsibilities
Pre-school rep – This position is open to any parent who has a child in the RES
preschool program.
- Represents the preschool at the school council meetings
- Communicates with the preschool as necessary to act as a liaison between the preschool and the school council
- Attends monthly school council meetings
- Participates in school council responsibilities
Members at Large (2 or 3) - Attends monthly meetings
- Participates in school council responsibilities
- Will coordinate 1 staff appreciation day throughout the year, which will be discussed with the council and will be fully supported by council members (as in council members will participate in bringing treats, etc)
All parents of students attending RES are members of the RES council, and are invited to attend each monthly council meeting. However, members of the RES council executive (the above positions) are voting members of the council.
According to our council bylaws, each position is for a maximum of 2 consecutive years.
If you are interested in a position, you can contact Rachael Miller at to put your name down in advance. There will also be an opportunity at the meeting to put your name in the elections, if you desire.
The following changes to the RES council bylaws will be proposed at the meeting:
5.2 As examples, these projects can include Family School Dance, Pizza Days, Healthy Snack Fridge, etc.
5.4 Parent Leaders may consist of the following: Room Reps, Hot Lunch Rep., Healthy Eating Coordinator, etc.
6.3 - The member of the Council Executive will be a member of the Council Executive from the time of their appointment until the end of the annual general meeting, up to (2) two consecutive school years. The member of Council Executive cannot hold the same position on Council Executive for more than (2) two consecutive years.
7.9.4 The current executive will continue to carry out their pre-existing projects for that school year.
8.5.1 Preschool Rep. must have a child attending Raymond Elementary Preschool. They can hold the position for (1) one year.
11.3 Special Meetings
11.3.1The Council may at any time give notice of a special meeting of the Council. The notice will be given in the manner determined by the Council, but must be given at least 1 day before the meeting. The notice will state the time, date and place of the meeting, and describe the matters to be dealt with.