Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Changes to school council bylaws

We, the school council for the RES, propose the following changes to the current bylaws.  These will be voted on at the AGM for the RES council on Wed., June 15th at 7:00 pm at the RES school.

5.2 As examples, these projects can include Family School Dance, Pizza Days, Healthy Snack Fridge, etc.

5.4 Parent Leaders may consist of the following: Room Reps, Hot Lunch Rep., Healthy Eating  Coordinator, etc.

6.3 - The member of the Council Executive will be a member of the Council Executive from the time of their appointment until the end of the annual general meeting, up to (2) two consecutive school years. The member of Council Executive cannot hold the same position on Council Executive for more than (2) two consecutive years.

7.9.4 The current executive will continue to carry out their pre-existing projects for that school year.

8.5.1 Preschool Rep. must have a child attending Raymond Elementary Preschool. They can hold the position for (1) one year.

11.3​ Special Meetings
11.3.1The Council may at any time give notice of a special meeting of the Council. The notice will be given in the manner determined by the Council, but must be given at least 1 day before the meeting.  The notice will state the time, date and place of the meeting, and describe the matters to be dealt with.

To view the compete bylaws document, please see our school council blog, the school council section on the RES website.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


RES Council Meeting
May 11th, 2016
(Which will be starting promptly at 9:00 am, at the school)

-         10 min - AGM – confirm time – June 8th at 7:00 – advertise 21 days before (May 18th)
o   Someone in charge of advertising
o   Volunteer appreciation – details
§      Someone in charge of the volunteer appreciation – form a committee of council members – Loni and Nancy
§      Vote on using $ for food
§      Hear plans from Loni – discuss any other details needed

-         5 min - Jen - Evaluation tasting day
o   And any fridge updates?

-         15 min - Financial goals for next year
o   Carmen – financial update
§      ?present the update at the AGM?
o   Rachael – outline possibilities
§      Lock-down kits – donate an amount
§      Having a fund for field trips, etc for kids that cannot afford
§      Sponsor the DARE anti-bullying program
§      Sponsor a Fine Arts guest to the school
§      Should we make a decision today or wait til September?

-         10 min - Marlin
o   Hot lunch money – how it is used for the school

-         5 min - Book drive
o   The grade 6’s, under the direction of Mr Gilson would like to have a book drive (gently-used books) for schools in Fort McMurray
§      Would parents be supportive of this?
§      Would we help get the word out?

-         5 min - Cheri – review of the ASCA conference

-         5 min - Family Dance – discuss if and when
o   If we are doing it in September we need to set a tentative date today and then vote on it next mtg with the new council

-         5 min - Positions for the upcoming school year
o   list which positions we will need to fill
§      those not returning need to send Rachael a review of their position and responsibilities

-         5 min - Santa’s gone loonie - Lindsay Baldry

-         5 min - Discuss any changes to bylaws
o   6.3 – each position have a 2 yr term (if the person chooses to)
o   7.9 – change to the end of the current school year?
o   7.9.3 – a person can run for the same position again, but must be re-elected
o   Any others? – if so, they can submit them to the council via email and we can decide through email which ones to have voted on at the AGM

-         Next mtg: June 8th at 7:00 pm

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