Thursday, November 23, 2017

Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2017

Raymond Elementary School Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2018 8:45am
In attendance:
Marlin Hogg, Elaine Ross, Kerry Taylor, Jamie Jensen, Jacquie Fleming, Rachel Miller, Bailey Bennett, Cheri Gilbert, Connie Shurtz, Carmen Lowry, Kimberley Shakespeare, Alana Sala, Natalie Ball, Clarissa Foss, Karen Salmon, Todd Nelson, Rod Wendorff & Diane Nelson.
Bike rodeo – Todd Nelson
  • April 11th & 12th, town has donated $1000 to run the rodeo in conjunction with Stirling.
  • 8 volunteers will be required of which 5 need to come from Raymond Elementary School. 8:30am-3pm (at the latest) with noon-1pm lunch break (food provided). Responsibilities to include handing out bikes etc. Can be split into shifts.
  • Students will be prepared a couple of weeks in advance with information on helmet safety. NO BIKES ARE NEEDED. If helmets are brought, they will be inspected and destroyed if not up to standard (replacement will be provided free of charge).
    Rod Wendorff

  • The board is very concerned over the proposed Bill 24 and have sought legal counsel. They are awaiting further instruction. Please continue to voice concerns and opposition by writing emails and letters.
  • Board are discussing the recording of meetings to allow the public/parents/those unable to attend to listen/watch. Future agendas and minutes will be more detailed in order to aid transparency.
    Communication – Marlin Hogg
  • RES is trying to blitz social media (Twitter, Facebook & webpage) with daily updates from the school. The marquee will be updated more frequently. It is the aim of the school to communicate better with parents/caregivers.
  • Proposed FAQ section of the webpage – please send ideas to Jacquie Fleming or Cheri Gilbert of what you'd like to see included in the section and/or ideas on how it should be organized
  • Attempting to find a single app for all teachers to use to communicate with home. If your teachers aren't using their chosen app to communicate with you, please ask them why not and hold them accountable as they have been asked by the school to do this.
  • By December 13th Marlin will have an answer as to what is happening with a
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proposed subscribe button on the webpage in order for emails to be sent out
Supervision – Marlin Hogg
  • Lunch time supervision arrangements: one teacher per 2 classes while they are eating. Students are eating at desks and the desks are being sanitized appropriately. Students are being taught safety tips ie what to happen if someone is choking.
  • Educational assistants are supervising recesses and after school.
    Bus loop safety – Clarissa Foss
• Bus drivers are unable to see kids and there have been near misses. Suggested a mirror or extra supervision. Marlin will look into it.
School Council Goals – Jacquie Fleming
• A vote to pass the suggested amendments to the council goals was passed.
ASCA update - Alana Sala
• Resolution needs to be submitted December 19th
Other business
• Stephanie Salmon has agreed to be the parent rep for gluten allergies
Meeting adjourned until Wednesday, December 13th @ 8:45am in the school staff room
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Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2017

Raymond Elementary School Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15 th 2018 8:45am In attendance: Marlin Hogg, Ela...