Thursday, November 23, 2017

Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2017

Raymond Elementary School Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2018 8:45am
In attendance:
Marlin Hogg, Elaine Ross, Kerry Taylor, Jamie Jensen, Jacquie Fleming, Rachel Miller, Bailey Bennett, Cheri Gilbert, Connie Shurtz, Carmen Lowry, Kimberley Shakespeare, Alana Sala, Natalie Ball, Clarissa Foss, Karen Salmon, Todd Nelson, Rod Wendorff & Diane Nelson.
Bike rodeo – Todd Nelson
  • April 11th & 12th, town has donated $1000 to run the rodeo in conjunction with Stirling.
  • 8 volunteers will be required of which 5 need to come from Raymond Elementary School. 8:30am-3pm (at the latest) with noon-1pm lunch break (food provided). Responsibilities to include handing out bikes etc. Can be split into shifts.
  • Students will be prepared a couple of weeks in advance with information on helmet safety. NO BIKES ARE NEEDED. If helmets are brought, they will be inspected and destroyed if not up to standard (replacement will be provided free of charge).
    Rod Wendorff

Council Meeting Wednesday October 11

RES Council Meeting
Wednesday October 11
8:45 AM

In Attendance: Jacquie Fleming, Bailey Bennett, Connie Shurtz, Clarissa Foss, Tasha Reeve, Marlin Hogg, Jamie Jensen, Elaine Ross, Kerry Taylor, Alana Sala, Rachael Miller, Karen Salmon

Volunteering- Jacquie Fleming
  • Thank you to all the Picture Day volunteers and thank you in advance to all the Book Fair volunteers.
  • Discussion about ending the RES Parent Awareness Group and only have the Raymond Elementary School Facebook page. School council agreed that the best way to find volunteers is through the RES Parent Awareness Group, so we will keep it running for that purpose.
  • We will keep encouraging parents to “like” the Raymond Elementary School Facebook page. 
  • Thank you to the school for updating the Facebook page so often. 

Council Meeting Wednesday, September 13th 2017

Raymond Elementary School Council Meeting Wednesday, September 13th 2017 9:00am

In attendance:
Jacquie Fleming, Bailey Bennett, Connie Shurtz, Christal Bevans, Clarissa Foss, Graham Ruttan, Chansy Homan, Meagan Jones, Jamie Jensen, Cheri Gilbert, Marlin Hogg, Elaine Ross, Rachel Miller, Alana Sala, Kimberley Shakespeare, Jennifer Bennett, Cara Hartley, Natalie Ball, Tasha Reeve, J’Ana Smith
Communication - Graham Ruttan
  • Westwind Division has implemented a best practice model on communication within social media. An increase in social media presence needed - especially on Facebook. Across the division the majority of people are on Facebook and check it at least weekly.
  • This fall new school website was released using Square Space platform which connects directly with Facebook and Twitter. RES is doing extremely well in utilizing this tool and is gaining more followers.

Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15th 2017

Raymond Elementary School Council Meeting Wednesday, November 15 th 2018 8:45am In attendance: Marlin Hogg, Ela...